Saturday, February 6, 2010

Music of the Spheres Quartal Bass Wind Chime (Model QB)

Music of the Spheres Quartal Bass Wind Chime (Model QB) Sale

Music of the Spheres Windchimes, The Stradivarius of Windchimes

Special Price at Amazon Click to See Price


  • Hand-Crafted, Symphonic Quality Chimes
  • Satisfaction Guaranteed - 30 Day Unconditional Return to Manufacturer
  • Hand Crafted, Musically Tuned
  • Durability guaranteed - fifteen year manufacturer warranty
  • Dimensions 56" long, 19" wide, 4" high weighs 44.0 lbs

Music of the Spheres Quartal Bass Wind Chime (Model QB) Customer Review

I like good wind chimes and own several above average versions so when this came up for sale on Amazon for 0 I jumped at the opportunity to buy it (only to watch other versions drop to below 0 days later but so it goes]. In any event, this is my first set of chimes from Music of the Spheres but I've always been impressed by their bass chimes and was not let down. They arrived promptly and well packaged. Everything was in good order except for the large flag which was bent in transit - otherwise well packaged. The chimes themselves are large and deeply resonant...something I was concerned about given the coating. In the past I've purchased several large chimes from Grace Notes which are simply incredible chimes (uncoated) so I wondered how these would compare - quite favorably! Grace notes seem to have a slightly more "thin" sound whereas these have a little "buffered" or slight "muffle" to them but very minimal. It actually sounds very nice on the bass chimes and the overall sound quality is impressive. For comparisons sake, I purchased chimes from another well known brand that reminds everyone of large rock concerts and sent them back due to sounding like clanking cans. If you are serious about sound quality of chimes then stick to Grace Notes or Music of the Spheres - both are excellent choices and well worth the additional expense. These are large chimes so you will need plenty of space to hang them but the low sound makes them non-obtrusive. BTW, GREAT sale on these and extremely pleased by the price (even if it was reduced right after).

★★★ Read More Reviews ★★★

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